Friday, November 1, 2019

Web-based project management and project selection

The five factors that affect a project are commonly classified as scope, time, cost, risk and quality. The analysis of these five categories will guide a project until its completion. However, they are intertwined with each other so often that it is often difficult to observe each category exclusively or objectively. That said, I would like to suggest that when it comes to the selection of a project, these categories are preceded by three other elements. Adapted from the book Introduction to Project Management, author Kathy Schwalbe explains that a "method of selecting projects is based on your response to a problem, an opportunity or a directive" (56). These are the first elements that arise in the selection of a new project. These three factors are especially important in today's world of web-based project management, where companies find problems, opportunities and directives at almost instantaneous speed. Next, I want to explore these three project selection factors, particularly in their relationship with web-based project management.

From the problem to the project

First, a project can be selected due to a problem facing a company. The problem is then addressed in accordance with the five restriction factors of the project as mentioned above. In his book, Schwalbe provides an example of a problem. She writes, "Problems are undesirable situations that prevent an organization from achieving its objectives. These problems may be current or anticipated. For example, if a bridge in an important city collapses, that problem must be addressed as soon as possible. If a bridge it is known that it needs repairs to avoid a collapse, a project must be started soon to solve it "(56). In other words, Schwalbe suggests that the bigger the problem, the more important the project. When a problem is addressed and a project is selected, other factors will be taken into account.

With web-based project management, problems are much easier to address, and changing from one problem to another is much more efficient. On the one hand, the problem communicates faster. Second, because project details, documents, etc., are stored in a single system accessible via the Internet, project managers can collaborate with each other, offer feedback and always know what resources are available. In addition, the executive level can see the company's problems as a whole, and more informed decisions can be made.

From the opportunity to the project

Second, a project can be selected as business opportunities arise. Schwalbe writes that "opportunities are opportunities to improve the organization. For example, a company might want to renew its website to attract more visitors to the site" (56). When an opportunity arises in which a project is created, it follows the analysis of the scope of the project, time, cost, etc.

Now, the opportunity may seem an obvious reason to select a project, but because companies handle different situations and / or offer different services, they also differ in what drives new projects. For example, a road construction company may have a division that focuses on fixing potholes, while a house construction company focuses on acquiring new plots of land. One selects problem-based projects while the other selects opportunity-based projects.

With web-based project management, opportunities can be seized to their full potential. An example of this is the possibility for a company to internationalize. Under regular project management (not web-based), internationalization would be less an opportunity and more likely a series of big problems. However, with web-based project management, it becomes a great opportunity. Such differences as language, currency and geography can be eliminated. Teams can collaborate with others across borders and seas with a single web-based accessible system For more information visit this website

Perhaps the most important thing to address opportunities in web-based project management is that the network itself creates more opportunities. Like social networking sites such as LinkedIn and Facebook, companies that use web-based project management can connect to collective intelligence within their workforce and begin to correlate, collaborate and communicate at such a speed that New opportunities for projects can occur daily.

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